it's been a while since i've posted about (designer) toys. that's partly due to the fact that i needed to chill out with the toy obsession for a proper minute. it was getting slightly out of hand. but, i'm always scouring websites to find the latest and greatest. it seems more and more artists are getting into the industry, developing and designing vinyl/plastic/plush figures. one day, i'll have my own toy series. until then, i'll just keep admiring from afar. below, a few "toys" i thought were cool. (notice even bron bron - lebron james - is getting into the act).
i think there's room for a line of wangers. large, medium, and small guys, they wear helmets and look like shitake mushrooms. whaddya think?
i think there's room for a line of wangers. large, medium, and small guys, they wear helmets and look like shitake mushrooms. whaddya think?
genius idea.
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